Bagatelles image stories

Non-universe stories, as well as group projects. Enjoy!

new button Chapter 13~An Old Romance and Chapter 14~Captured!  To celebrate the 24th anniversary of Jixemitri, intrepid Jixsters retold The Mystery at Saratoga from the perspective of everyone but Trixie. My contributions are from the POV of the cabdriver (Chapter 13) and Regan (Chapter 14). The Table of Contents for the entire project can be found here. Originally posted March 19 and March 20, 2024.  blue star

button Chapter 15~A Midsummer Night's Dream  To celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Jixemitri, intrepid Jixsters retold The Mystery of the Queen's Necklace from the perspective of everyone but Trixie. My contributions are from the POV of Mart (Chapter 15) and Mrs. Hopkins (Chapter 16). The Table of Contents for the entire project can be found here. Originally posted March 22 and March 24, 2023.  blue star

button Chapter 10~An Evening to Remember  To celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Jixemitri, intrepid Jixsters retold The Mystery at Mead's Mountain from the perspective of everyone but Trixie. My contribution is from the POV of Eric. The Table of Contents for the entire project can be found here. Originally posted March 17, 2022.  blue star

button Chapter 6~Kidnapped!  For the 21st anniversary of Jixemitri, intrepid Jixsters retold The Mystery of the Castaway Children from the perspective of everyone but Trixie. My contribution is from the POV of Eileen Dodge. The whole Table of Contents can be found here. Originally posted March 12, 2021.  blue star

new button Carte Blanche  Please join Bobby for a little lighthearted fun! Written for the Jixanny 2020 Pockets writing challenge, and originally posted March 25, 2020.  yellow star

button Chapter 14: A Confession  To celebrate Jixemitri’s 20th anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold the Mystery Off Old Telegraph Road (#20), through the eyes of everyone but Trixie. I wrote Chapter 14 from Miss Trask's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here. Originally posted March 8-25, 2020.   blue star

button Of All a Man's Troubles  Trixie has a mysterious experience in the preserve. Written for Dianafan's Jix 17 Picture challenge, and originally posted March 14, 2017.  blue star

button Mr. Stratton  For Ronda’s awesome 17th Jix Anniversary project I had the pleasure of writing a memory of Mr. Stratton. Originally posted March 14, 2017.   blue star

button Chapter 4: Practice for the Turf Show  To celebrate Jixemitri's 16th anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold the Mystery of the Missing Heiress (#16) through the eyes of everyone but Trixie. I wrote Chapter 4 from Dan's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here. Originally posted March 8-16, 2016.   blue star

button A Drink of Choice  When CWE #10 was introduced, I thought, “Nope. No way. No how. Not gonna happen.” Well, Helen Belden had something to say about that. Originally posted August 29, 2015.   red star

button Chapter 9: Early Morning Swim  To celebrate Jixemitri's fifteenth anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold the Mystery on the Mississippi (#15) through the eyes of everyone but Trixie. I wrote Chapter 9 from Agent Spencer's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here. Originally posted March 8-26, 2015.   blue star

button On the Hudson  Written for Jixemitri's CWE# 8 challenge. PatK, Ronda, Ryl, and WendyM teamed up to tell this story of a dashing young FBI agent who encounters an old acquaintance while working undercover. Originally posted October 31, 2014.  yellow star

button The Driven Snow  To celebrate Jixemitri's 14th anniversary, seven writers plotted and planned a series of stories involving Dan in a romantic situation of some kind, ranging from pink (innocent) to red-star (you know what that means!) territory. My story moves into the red-star realm for language and naughty thoughts. Trixie and Dan are enjoying a frosty winter day in the preserve, but Dan is feeling anything but cold. Links to the other Seven Shades of Red stories can be found here; not necesary to read in any certain order. Originally posted March 14, 2014.  red star

button Chapter 8: Welcome to Green Trees  To celebrate Jixemitri's 14th anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold the Mystery of the Emeralds (#14) through the eyes of everyone but Trixie. I wrote Chapter 8 from Captain Mr. Carver's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here. Originally posted March 8-14, 2014.  blue star

button Jixadekaphobia: Dan  What happens when seven writers get together and plan a group story for the 13th anniversary of Jixemitri? Jixadekaphobia, that's what! The young adult BWGs are scattered across the country, and they are heading back to Sleepyside for a 13th Bob-White anniversary party. One tiny problem... they are traveling on Friday the 13th. Dan's story was written by me. Links to the other stories can be found at the end of his; not necesary to read in any certain order. Jixadekaphobia originally posted March 8-14, 2013.   yellow star

button Chapter 11: The Captain's Tales  In celebration of Jixemitri's 13th anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold the Mystery on Cobbett's Island (#13) through the eyes of everyone but Trixie. I wrote Chapter 11 from Captain Clark's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here. Originally posted March 8-14, 2013.  blue star

button Games  Another CWE #3 story, inspired by my favorite Sleepyside hermit. Originally posted September 28, 2012.  yellow star

button True  During a road trip, the five younger Bob-Whites find themselves in a strange small town in the wilds of Ark-La-Tex. Written for the Jixemitri CWE #3 challenge, "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words", this is the beginning of a crossover with the characters of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse books/HBO’s True Blood series.  yellow star

button The Drop  My dd #1 was inspired by CWE #3, too! She was very intrigued by the notion of writing something to be a specific amount of words, and worked hard to tell her story within the word limit.  blue star

button Chapter 9, Surprise Party  To celebrate Jixemitri's 11th anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold the Mystery at Bob-White Cave (#11) through the eyes of Trixie's friends. I wrote Chapter 9 from Mrs. Moore's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here.  blue star

button Ring of Fire  For the tenth anniversary of Jixemitri, PatK, Ronda, WendyM, and I joined forces to write a story about Dan, ten years after he joined the BWGs. We had a great time plotting and planning. Warning: you might need a hanky with this. yellow star

button  Ties That Bind  There's a stranger in Sleepyside, and he's determined to get back something that belongs to him. Can the Bob-Whites foil his plan? This Halloween group story was written by Team RoMaRyl - the lovely Ronda (Rolyru), Mary N (Dianafan), and me! yellow star

button  It's a Matter of Choice For the ninth anniversary of Jixemitri, teams of writers worked together to give a peek into the lives of the Bob-Whites' nine main parent figures. I was honored to join with the fabulous Ronda and Vivian in this story about Mr. Maypenny. Enjoy the beautiful page layout and graphics created by the very talented Dana! Link will take you to the story's home at Jix. blue star

button The Eighth Bob-White? The Bob-Whites made many new friends while solving mysteries in the series. Could any of them become the eighth Bob-White? This is a joint project for the eighth anniversary of Jixemitri, in which I was joined by Mary N/Dianafan. blue star

button Birthday Emergency It's Diana's birthday, but everything seems to be going wrong! yellow star

button Soothing Ruffled Feathers Diana and Mart are married, and he still celebrates her birthday in his own special way.  yellow star

button Stranded!  Trixie sees a mysterious object submerged in the Wheelers' lake while she and Honey are rowing in the Water Witch. This is my submission for Wendy and Dana's Virtual Trixie Camp Writing Challenge. It's also located at Dana's awesome siteyellow star

button A Night of Revelry For Jixemitri's eighth anniversary, a group of writers came up with a new mystery for the Bob-Whites, using chapter titles from The Secret of the Mansion. This is my chapter. Here is the index of the whole story. yellow star

button Seven Questions in Seven Categories  For the seventh anniversary of Jix, Vivian and I teamed up to compose this quiz over all things Trixie-related. The link will take you to Vivian's site, and you can admire her fabulous page design skills as you test your knowledge of Trixie trivia. yellow star

button Chapter 14 of Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Code—as told by her friends.  This is my submission to the Jix seventh anniversary group story. The index of all chapters can be found here.  blue star

Disclaimer: Trixie Belden and the Bob Whites of the Glen are the property of Random House. This is an unauthorized fan fiction site and is not affiliated with Random House in any way. No profit is being made from these pages. Image is from Trixie Belden and the Mystery on the Mississippi, Whitman Deluxe Edition and is copyright by Random House Books.

Catfish Princess website and all stories within are copyright of Ryl, 2006-2030.

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